Improving digital skills of European citizens and disabled persons: a work program

From August 2013 until September 2015 Koi.S.P.E. “Faros” participated in transnational educational program Lifelong Learning / Grundtvig Learning Partnerships, entitled: «Improving digital skills of European citizens and disabled: a work program». The immediate objective of the program was the trainees to overcome any fears towards the use of computers and be able to use the most popular applications.

Aims of the project

The medium term goal was that the elderly after the end of training would be able to open and create electronic files, to create xls files (for example for the calculation of their household budget), to use e-mail, to handle social media etc.

The long term goal of the project was that the elders would be more confident about using IT technologies and be able to further personal development in this area. An additional objective was to disseminate the knowledge to more people by learners themselves.



In the project there were participants from several countries of the European Union and particularly from Spain, Italy, Romania, Ukraine and Slovakia.

The partners that participated to the project, apart from Koi.S.P.E. “Faros”were the following: