O.P. “Health – Welfare 2000 – 2006”
Koi.S.P.E. “Faros” implemented successfully a funding project of the Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity within the Operating Programme “Health – Welfare 2000-2006”, measures 2.2 and 2.3.
Funding Period | 08/2009 – 12/2009 | |
Total of Funding Activities | 2 Activities: | |
About the project
The program was to support the two activities and particularly to fund the purchase of modern equipment, the publicity of Koi.S.P.E. “Faros” but also the employment of people with psychosocial problems in the activities for the period 8/2009 – 12/2009. The funding program helped considerably the activities to become viable. Both the Telesecretariat unit and the Candleshop work to date and employs people with psychosocial problems.